About Us

Maria Lindsay

Colombian visual artist with over fifteen years of experience. I studied arts at the Gran Colombiano Polytechnic and the Gerardo Rueda School of Arts. Currently, I am a student curator of Art at the virtual Mombo Art School in Spain.

Throughout my career, I have focused on seeing the magic of color in nature and expressing it in my paintings using different techniques.

My arrival in Minnesota has brought significant moments to my artistic life, allowing me to hold exhibitions, art workshops, community work, workshops, and art therapy sessions. I have had the opportunity to participate four times in Atr Battle Minnesota 2023-2024. I have held both individual and group exhibitions in Minneapolis and St. Paul.

My Experience

  • Galeria Fesh eye defrost Febrero 2024
  • Art Battle Minnesota Febrero 16 2024
  • Concurso Art Battle Minnesota obteniendo tercer lugar Noviembre 2023
  • Exposicion Herencia Latina Octubre 2023
  • Exposicion Children Hospital Minnesota Octubre 2023
  • Galleria Fresh Eye exposicion colectiva Yulemar expo noviembre 2023.
  • Galería The Argle Zebra Gallery exposicion Colectiva Tiny Art Expo Noviembre 2023
  • Galería The Argle Zebra Gallery exposicion Colectiva Defying Samenes 4 natutaleza 3D julio 2023
  • Galería The Argle Zebra Gallery exposicion Colectiva Naturaleza Mayo 2023
  • Galería La Dona Camino de Flores Spring 2023
  • Galleria The Distric Edina exposicion Colectiva Naturaleza , tuve el honor de compartir la exposición con los maestros Jimmy Longoria y Luis Fish Diciembre 2022 a Marzo 18 de 2023
  • Galería La Dona Serie Paisajes 2022
  • Galería Clues exposición individual La vida es de Colores Noviembre -Diciembre 08 2022

My Experience

The Process

The creative process begins when something in the world around me deeply inspires me. It could be the gentle light of a summer afternoon, a moving melody, or the intense gaze of a passing person. These special moments ignite my imagination and spark the creativity within me.

After finding that initial inspiration, I spend time reflecting and planning in my mind how I want to capture that feeling in my work. I sketch, research techniques, and consider different approaches to bring my vision to life. This phase of exploration is exciting but challenging as I strive to shape my ideas and find the best way to express them.

Finally, the time comes to stand in front of the canvas and begin working. With each brushstroke, I immerse myself deeper into my creation, letting the emotion and energy flow through me. It’s an intimate and often challenging process, but also incredibly rewarding. Every artwork I create is the result of this personal journey, from the spark of inspiration to the final realization.